Job de babysitting în Chișinău: AndreeA


Job de babysitting în Chișinău: AndreeA


Tarif pe oră
70,00 L/hr

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Hello! My name is Andreea, and I've had the pleasure of caring for Lara and Enya, two wonderful kids, for the past six months. As Bea, their mother, transitions to finding a new nanny from the 8th of April, I'm helping her in this process. Lara and Enya, are both 6 years old, are vibrant and energetic children who attend school during weekdays. They require pickup from school every Monday to Friday..

Hello! My name is Andreea, and I've had the pleasure of caring for Lara and Enya, two wonderful kids, for the past six months. As Bea, their mother, transitions to finding a new nanny from the 8th of April, I'm helping her in this process. Lara and Enya, are both 6 years old, are vibrant and energetic children who attend school during weekdays. They require pickup from school every Monday to Friday at around 15:00 and daily walks to the park/playgrounds. As Bea and her husband work until 18:00, they need support until approximately 18:15. Bea is interested in establishing a full-time arrangement or an option of full-day care to ensure backup support for sick days or school closures, though this is not a must. The girls thrive in outdoor activities regardless of weather conditions, enjoy walks, and are passionate about sports, music, storytelling, painting, and crafts. We're seeking a candidate who embodies energy, enthusiasm, and a love for spending time outdoors, particularly in parks. If you're passionate about childcare, enjoy engaging with active kids, we'd love to hear from you!

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Lu Ma Mi Jo Vi S D
Actualizat: 20 martie 2024

Despre familia noastră

Tipul de bonă dorit
  • Nanny
  • Bonă
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La familie
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  • Engleză
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Ne pare rău, momentan nu putem gestiona solicitarea. Încearcă din nou mai târziu, și nu ezita să ne contactezi dacă problema persistă.

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Job de babysitting în Chișinău: AndreeA
Tarif pe oră
70,00 L/hr

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